Start a New Business

Business Registration Requirements

  1. Applications can be picked up at Belen City Hall or on our website
  2. Every Commencing business must apply for a NM State Tax ID (CRS) Number. Contact the State of New Mexico - This can be done online at and register your business online.
  3. Complete and return the business registration along with documentation of your NM Tax ID (CRS) Number to City Hall in Belen.
  4. If you are opening a business within the city, it will require a fire inspection and a zoning approval of location before the issue of a business license. Schedule a Fire Inspection with the Fire Marshal and contact your Development Services Department.
  5. Once application, fire inspection, and zoning approval has been approved, we can start collecting fees for the license $35, and fire inspection that depends on the size of the building. You can pay any fees with the Utilities Department located in City hall.
If your business is specialty as listed below, other documentation will be needed.


Dorothy Flores
Email Dorothy


Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Click to Download the Business Registration Application