At Monday night’s City Council meeting, City employee, Joshua Berniger, was honored as the Employee of the 4th Quarter of 2024.
The letter from Mayor Pro-tem, Tracy Armijo, reads:
Dear Joshua,
It is with great pleasure that Mayor, Robert Noblin, City Manager, Roseann Peralta, City of Belen Governing Body, and I declare you to be the Employee of the 4th Quarter, 2024 you are being recognized for going above and beyond your normal duties to accomplish something exceptional.
You have been such a huge asset to the City of Belen in your first few months of service to the community. Your dedication to your work is exemplary and absolutely deserves recognition, as noted from your step increase to Operator 1 in such a short time. Your efforts and voluntary contributions have generated notice from not only yourdepartment director, supervisor, and fellow employees, but also from several members of the community as well. Your attitude towards your duties and the citizenry of our city shows accountability, respect, and integrity for your position. Your consistency and quality of work will forever be appreciated by the City of Belen.
Therefore, on behalf of the Governing Body, please accept our thanks for all your hard work and dedication to the City of Belen. To further express our gratitude for the valuable employee that you are, your name and picture will be placed on the Employee of the Quarter Plaque, displayed for public viewing in the main office lobby. You have also earned an additional workday off with pay. Thank you for all you do.
Congratulations to Joshua for his recognition and our sincere gratitude goes to him for his hard work and dedication.